Thursday, September 08, 2005

So, it‘s been seventeen and a half hours later and I’m in the Narita airport. Once Again, WOW. But this time, it’s a different wow. I.E. a German soccer team just went by… Just… wow…

The flight was fairly uneventful. We started out late because of a problem with the video they show on take off (fasten your seatbelts and such). This, by and by, lead to the VERY interesting discovery that the 747 I was on used Linux for it’s entertainment system. It froze about 2 hours out, rebooted, and froze on the start-up screen. Take that Microsoft?

Anyways, we took a route up over the U.P., through Canada, over Alaska, and down along the Russian coast.

Now I’m waiting in the “B” terminal for the other student who’s coming in today (will there only be 2 of us??)

After the Metro WiFi fiasco, I think I’m going to hold on posting this until I get to my apartment.

For those who know her, I’ve been in Tokyo for less than an hour and I’ve already met someone who knows Abe Sensei.

Ja Mata Ne.


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