Monday, December 05, 2005

Last post from Japan, again (3rd time?) Anyways, I believe I have found the ultimate Japanese gizmo.
I accidentally packed my laptop power cord in my checked luggage and, not wanting to waste battery power before I got on the plane, readied myself for two hour of sitting and waiting with nothing to do. When wandering to find lunch I came across the gizmo.
A coin operated computer. Like a ride in front of a grocery store or an arcade game is coin operated, so is this computer fueled. It's 100yen for 10 minutes which is about equivalent to what I paid in Metro airport for wireless access on my trip over.
In other airport related things, my luggage actually only weighed 37.6Kg (less than what I weigh.) This was good however as I did not incur the over weight charge I suspected I would.
Also as a nice send-off I used the Japanese learned in the last 3 months and had a coherent conversation with the staff inspecting my bags.

Another hour and a half until my flight boards. I've got the usual butterflys in my stomach feeling I usually get when about to fly.

Will I write again before take off... who knows...

Ja Mata Ne.


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