Wednesday, October 19, 2005

I'm so very worn out. Kendo is a lot of hard work. I got to practice hitting an opponent tonight, which was cool. As expected my freshly bought Shinai needs some work before it can be used. If I use it without preparing it first (sanding it and oiling it) it will shatter faster. To top off tonight's practice, as we were packing up there was a loooong earthquake. It wasn't very powerful, but it lasted long enough for us to comment on how long it lasted. Google news says it was a 6.2 quake located out a sea.
I also learned today that I get to skip classes on Friday to do something. I'm going to keep what it is a secret for now, but it should turn out to be a good experience (read: fun).
Ja Mata Ne.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A question and request for you, sir. I am having difficulty picturing what your "hip-bag" looks like, and was wondering if you could provide a picture?

One other question. Is it in Kendo that a bokken is used, or just the shinai, and do you know why one would be used over the other, assuming that they are both used in Kendo?

11:53 PM  

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